{{.Frozen Bubbles, Finally!}}

After seeing an image of a frozen bubble I decided to give it a hand.

I see so many images in my newsfeeds on facebook and instagram that I am guilty of just scrolling by things. A frozen bubble stopped me in my tracks a few weeks ago. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days. I wanted to see one for myself, in person. It took me three tries to get these shots, so I’ve decided to save you the frozen fingers, and, *gasp* tell you how I did it!

The first time I tried it was at night. It was 18* outside, and quite windy. I set up my cell phones flashlight on the railing of my front steps, and tried to get bubbles to land on the flat white railing in the light from my phone. After about 10 minutes outside with my 50mm, I couldn’t get the bubbles to land and freeze. My Love did a little research on his phone, and suggested I add a little dish soap to the mixture and let it sit outside for a little while to cool.

Failed Bubble January 21, 2016

Failed Bubble – January 21, 2016 – First attempt at photographing a frozen bubble – True LIfe Photography of MA


After eating a few bites of dinner, I went outside to try it again. While the mixture set well enough, it was too windy to be able to let the bubbles freeze without popping. My Love suggested I try to catch the bubble on the wand. As the bubbles freeze, they shrink slightly though, and when they started to shrink, they imploded.

Second Attempt Frozen Bubbles January 21, 2016

Not so frozen bubbles and the set up – January 21, 2016 – Second Attempt at a Frozen Bubble – True LIfe Photography of MA


This morning though, when I brought the kids out to the bus, it was 21* and the air was pretty still. I brought the bubbles out. The bus came before I could get any to land on the frost on my car, but I finally got them to cooperate!

Thrid times a charm frozen bubbles january 28, 2016

Finally Frozen Bubbles – January 28, 2016 – Third time’s a charm – True LIfe Photography of MA

This is my favorite image of the set, and here are the exact settings for it:

SOOC and Final Edit Frozen Bubbles January 28, 2016

Favorite Bubbles So Far – January 28, 2016 – Straight out of the camera, with my settings, etc // My final edit, out of Lightroom – True LIfe Photography of MA

xo, Jess

ps: Do you like the bubbles? You can order prints of them here: Here

{{.Memory Boxes. January 2016.}}

Memory boxes are my sentimental go to gift.

I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of a little box full of trinkets and pictures. I have saved many sentimental trinkets and pictures over the years. I love going through them every now and then and seeing all the little pieces that have made up my life so far. This last holiday season, I was going through all the prints that I’ve ordered through the years for various projects, and for scrap books that I haven’t made yet. I realized that I had a lot of extra pictures that were just sitting in boxes on a shelf, so for Christmas I gave a few people ‘memory boxes’.

Memory boxes are little cigar, shoe, or other small boxes that I personalize and fill with pictures, and sometimes trinkets for family, friends, and clients. They can be as simple as a shoebox covered in tissue paper or wrapping paper, and filled with little 2×3” card stock prints. They can be as intricate as a hinged and clasped wooden cigar with prints from my printing company, and some other small trinkets.

One of these was for a VIP client, we’ve done 4 shoots together this year, and hers was the first one I made. I printed 27 of my favorite images from our sessions this year, hand wrote the date, location, and a small caption about who/what/why/etc was in the photo on the back. Her box was a small shoebox with a top covered in silver wrapping paper, and a bottom covered in teal tissue paper.

The other was for a dear friend of mine who had one hell of an ending to the year last year. Her house had a fire, and nothing was salvageable. For hers, I gathered old snapshots from the last 15 years of our friendship, and printed a few new ones from our ladies day at the beach. I also added some sand from the beach in a little bottle I found at the craft store, and some scrapbook post cards, as well as a small framed picture of her & her hubby during their first dance as a married couple. All this went into a hinged cigar box that I painted and personalized for her.

If you’d like to chat about a memory box today, please e-mail jess@truelifepics.com or call Jess at (774)482-0339 today to schedule a consultation. We can discuss box and photograph options, and create a one of a kind heirloom to pass down for generations.

Memory Shoebox

Memory Shoebox – Printed Photographs – Client Gifts – True Life Photography of MA – This simple memory box is made from a shoebox and contains (27) 2×3″ card stock prints.

memory box - greenwood

Memory Cigar Box – Printed Photographs – Client Gifts – True Life Photography of MA – This wooden memory box is made of a hinged cigar box, over 80 prints, and has a handful of trinkets in it.


To see more, visit: http://www.truelifepics.com/MadebyJess/Memory-Boxes/

{{.It’s January, and I’m really going to try harder this year to blog more.}}

Every January, I say that I’m going to blog more.

“This year, I’m going to blog once a week, and I’m going to keep up with it. I’m going to engage with people on my blog, and I’m going to really keep up with it this year.”

Maybe 5 posts will go by and I’ll slack, only to return next January and do it all over again. This year will be different though!! I’m setting up my calendar with reminders for projects, the sunrise & sunset for every day, and a reminder to write a blog once a week. I’ll switch it up every week, so I have to actually check to see what day of the week I’m supposed to blog for that week. I’ve also made a list of 45 topics to write about, and stuck that list up next to the calendar (I have a post-it problem). This year, I *will* blog more. Maybe not every week, maybe I’ll quit in June again, but I will blog more. Maybe.

xo, Jess

PS: For those who are curious, here’s the link to my Project 365, which is on day 388.


Best of 2015

{{.Finally working through some editing.}}

Over the holidays, personal pictures get neglected all across the nation by hard working photographers. It’s fun to play catch up in January! 😉

This one is of my Love and my Mini Human. She’s adventurous and loves to climb and play. He just lets her, but he’s always there to catch her if she falls. I just love them! This is on the bike path near our house, and while it’s slightly grainy, I love it anyways. This was such a great moment from October 29, 2015.

Bike Path 10.29.2015 (108)-X2